Ambassador's Activities

Image Title Article source Post Date

New Kuwait Amb. to US presents credentials

WASHINGTON, Aug 12 (KUNA) - New Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US Jasem Albudaiwi has submitted his credentials to Chief of Protocol of the US State Department Rufus Gifford.

Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)Thu, Aug 25, 2022 Thu, Aug 25, 2022

The Embassy celebrates Kuwait's national day

Ambassador to the United States Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah hosted a reception for a large number of US senior officials, congress members, academics, business leaders and public figures as well as diplomats to celebrate the 57th anniversary of the Independence, 27th anniversary of Liberation, and the 12th anniversary of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah's assumption of power.

Wed, Feb 28, 2018 Wed, Feb 28, 2018